Crispy and Sauced

Daily Cold Brew

I make this cold brew 3-4 times a week and drink it just about every day.

The key piece of equipment I use is the OXO Compact Cold Brew Coffee Maker. It doesn't take a lot of space, and I've tuned my ratios to where I can get pretty much exactly 4 servings (20 oz) out of each batch.

For coffee, my go-to is the Yeti Cold Brew Blend from Peace Coffee.

And for cream, I use Chobani Sweet Cream.

Cold Brew Concentrate

  • 4 oz coffee beans, ground coarse
  • 26.5 oz (1 lb 10.5 oz) filtered water

Place the ground coffee into your brewing container and pour the water over the top. Leave sit, covered, on your counter for ~18 hours. (I usually make mine at lunch time and decant it the next morning.)

Strain the grounds from the coffee and store in a lidded container in the fridge.

With the OXO, I drain the coffee into the carafe, then pour through a cloth-lined strainer into a pitcher.

Iced Coffee

  • 5 oz cold brew concentrate
  • 5 oz filtered water
  • 1.5 oz cream
  • ice to taste (I use ~6 oz)

In a large glass, combine all the ingredients. Stir briefly with a straw or iced tea spoon.